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The shackles

24 Oracle Card 24

The shackles 

Spiritual Mastery Quest: I am see-king freedom from suffering for my inner male.


His body was contained 3 times 

the dull metal snake wrapped around him 

scars on his skin marked the pain from within

His mind was lost..echoing the pain..

He wandered lonely and numb 

Black hearted..

He no longer recalled..

How to accept love from within

Elephant family lost their men to the beauty of their pure white tusk..left alone the young males..lost their elephant way.. with no elder to guide them..pain turned to anger..anger to blood...dark hearts run astray..young males killed all who got in their blind way..the tribe called peace council.. from afar elder males heard the cry...answering they infused their empowerment.. stood fierce but loving.. reminded the lost ones of their true elephant heart..

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