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Ascension: Human Condition Transcendence

35 Oracle Card 35

Ascension: Human Condition Transcendence

Spiritual Mastery Quest: I am seek-ing Alignment into Divine Sacred Geometry 

Vision: Souls beliefs were invested in suffering. Thick smoke choked, sweat and tears flowed, pain, all unknowing challenged. Growth is never easy, until surrender occurs and the mind gives way to Divine Lightness. Enveloped by the Ancients, chants of Sacred Source, while blessed bells tolled, medicinal herbs and incense took over Soul's thoughts and cleared the programs. What was the trappings of the mind transformed and unfolded into 144,000 lotus petals. What was smoke transformed and became a gentle breeze, what was physical suffering released as the ego dissolved and became Sacred geometrical expression of Soul realization. Energetic threads of frequencies manifested as form dissipated. Transcendence and Ascension occurred...

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